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HomeSea Level Rise Project

Issue: Sea Level Rise


How will sea level rise affect our buildings, roads and beaches?  Will there be nuisance flooding?  Storm surge damage?   Will the sea level rise reach my property? 

ACUNE is a powerful computer program that answers these questions.   ACUNE inputs the best climate, hurricane, ecological, and economic data and outputs the impact.


Dr. Peter Sheng (University of Florida) and Dr. Michael Savarese of (Florida Gulf Coast University) began development of this important tool in 2017 when they were awarded a 1M$ grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.   The goal for ACUNE is to assist Collier County’s leaders planning for our safe future.


The League of Women Voters of Collier County has been instrumental in the development and roll-out of the ACUNE.   LWVCC has visited Collier stakeholders to explain the tool and its value.  Watch the presentation, read our report or view the Gordon River example.
Learn about ACUNE


"Assessing Flooding Vulnerability due to Sea Level Rise 
Using ACUNE in Collier County"
Presentation to the:
Collier County Planning Commission
December 2, 2021
Michael Savarese, The Water School, Florida Gulf Coast University
Judy Hushon, League of Women Voters of Collier County

 Sally Woliver, League of Women Voters of Collier County