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HomeNational Popular Vote

National Popular Vote

LWVCC actively supports the non-partisan National Popular Vote movement through Floridians for National Popular Vote  and Help us make every vote for President count equally throughout the United States.

The National Popular Vote law instructs each state’s electors to vote for the Presidential candidate who captures the most votes in the entire United States, instead of state "winner take all" as now. NPV legislation works with the electoral college and does not require a constitutional amendment.

The NPV bill will take effect when enacted into law by states possessing 270 electoral votes (the number needed to elect the President). This legislation has been signed into law by 17 state governors from both parties, representing 209 electoral votes, or 77% of the required amount..

Once in effect, the NPV law will guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who wins the popular vote in the entire United States. The bill would ensure that every vote will be equal throughout the U.S., regardless of where you live, and that every vote, in every state, will matter in every presidential election.

To learn more about this issue, see LWVCC National Popular Vote team leader Suzanne Low, presenting Deciphering the National Popular Vote to the LWV of Florida Biennial Convention in June, 2021. You can find the informational video at the bottom of the home page of Floridians for National Popular Vote.